City Water

Purification System

Toll Free Call

Water quality differs from area to area. Hardness from calcium and magnesium, iron, manganese and even chlorine all change depending on your location and set of circumstances.

 So, why would you consider a “one design fits all” approach that most of the national lines for residential water treatment take? We at Seagull Water Solutions are truly committed to really offer a solution that technically will treat your specific local water and that will give peace of mind to our customers that what they’re buying is what they really need for their water. 

This is done through the collection of real data from local areas which are taken to our team of experts who according to all this information will design the equipment that will best suit our customer needs 


Seagull City Water System Filter

Our Residential Water Purification System is designed to perform a pre-filtered job, achieving an optimal treatment for all the water in the house, allowing to have a “Soft Water” free of heavy metals such as iron, which generates a series of damage to both the pipes, clothing fabrics and mainly to the skin of our body. It not only will filter and soft your water but will condition and purify it removing turbidity, tannins, iron and sulfur bacteria among other unpleasant odor and tastes.


In the Bathroom

In the Kitchen

Around the House


Product Feature

#1 Advance Valve Technology

Monitors and calculates water usage, system capacity, and salt level. Maintains a 62 day history of usage to deliver the best in efficiency at a 27 GPM performance of soft and refined water.

#2 Coconut Shell Carbon

Premium grade carbon removes chlorine unpleasant tastes and odor providing clean and fresh filtered water.

#3 Catalytic Carbon

Removes presence of chloramines (Chlorine + Ammonia) from water which is extremely toxic and dangerous for human health.

#4 High Efficiency Cation Exchange Resin

12-14% cross linked resin provides maximum softening by removing hardness, calcium and magnesium.

#5 Silica Gravel Quartz

Increases flow rate through the water treatment equipment providing the final and desired polish for your water while protecting internal structure of the system


Is a Perfect Whole solution for place like apartments or town house where pipes main pipe sometimes is located in very small or restricted spaces liked laundry closets.

You will get soft, conditioned and purified water removing turbidity, tannins, and other unpleasant odors and tastes.

Its top sliding covers open to a large tapered chute for ease of adding salt to the system without removing the cover.

Seagull Water Specialist Cabinet

Did you know that you can do your water test by yourself?

What are you waiting for? Request your water test kit today!

Or just call us, and we will do the test for you!